

Fetch the list of attributes belonging to the concept named concept.


returnedAttribute = findattrs(concept)

returnedAttribute - type: attr
concept - type: con


An attribute if the concept has an attribute. If the concept has no attributes, a null attribute structure is returned. You test to see whether anything was returned with code like:

G("result") = findattrs(G("foo"));
"output.txt" << "G(result) = " << attrname(G("result")) << "\n";

In this example, while G("foo") is a concept, it has no attributes.


Similar to findattr, except you don't pass the function the name of the attribute. So, if your application does not 'know' the attributes of a concept, use findattrs. If you know the specific concept you want, use findattr. If a bad concept is passed, such as a string instead of a concept, an error is written to the output log file.


In this example, we create the concept of apples, and give them the attribute have with value color. This is sort of like saying 'Apples have color.' Then we give apples the attribute color who's value is red, then the values of color green and yellow

G("root") = findroot();
# look for apples in the concept hierarchy
G("apple") = findconcept(G("root"),"apple");
# if you find them, kill them (to start fresh)
if (G("apple")) rmconcept(G("apple"));
# Apples exist
G("apple") = makeconcept(G("root"),"apple");
# Apples have color
# Apple's color is red
# Apple's color is also green and yellow
addstrval(G("apple"),"color","green and yellow");

# Now we access the attributes of the concept apple:

# Find apple's attribute list
G("attrList") = findattrs(G("apple"));
# Find the first attribute's name
G("attrName") = attrname(G("attrList"));
# Find the list of values of the attribute
G("valList") = attrvals(G("attrList"));
# get the first value
G("valName") = getstrval(G("valList"));
# print out the first attribute's name and value
"output.txt" << "first attribute of apple is: "
<< G("attrName") << "\n";
"output.txt" << "first value of that attribute is: "
<< G("valName") << "\n";
# get the next attribute
G("nextAttr") = nextattr(G("attrList"));
# get its name
G("attrName") = attrname(G("nextAttr"));
"output.txt" << "next attribute of apple is: "
<< G("attrName") << "\n";
# get the list of values of the second attribute
G("valList") = attrvals(G("nextAttr"));
# get the first value's name
G("valName") = getstrval(G("valList"));
# print it out
"output.txt" << "first value of that attribute is: "
<< G("valName") << "\n";
# get the second value of the second attribute
G("nextValName") = getstrval(nextval(G("valList")));
# print it out
"output.txt" << "second value of that attribute is: "
<< G("nextValName") << "\n";


This prints the following to output.txt:

first attribute of apple is: have
first value of that attribute is: color
next attribute of apple is: color
first value of that attribute is: red
second value of that attribute is: green and yellow

See Also

findattr, Knowledge Base Functions